Fundamental concepts:

1.⁠ Break down complex or challenging issues into unit concepts until they can’t be broken down. 2.⁠ ⁠Thoughts are everything — be mindful of the nature of your thoughts 3.⁠ ⁠⁠You can choose your attention (i.e. you can choose your interests)

How to start

to gain expertise start off with something easy to grok. popular science book, blogs, articles, visualization, youtube video, lecture, book, and finally research papers.

Deliberate Practice

in progress Making errors, getting feedback, improving,

Progressive Overload

Staying on track

in progress iterations, what is the end result? existence of stakes? motivation

What to focus on

in progress Knowing what exactly one wants to become an expert at.

Short term, vs long term goals, interests. Organizing ones interests so that one knows what one is interested in.


Use of management systes to keep oneself on track. Use of JIRA/Kanban for personal goals? Keeping track of readings etc Helps keeping track of timelines. Overarching goals.

Use of memory systems

in progress Spaced repetetion, Zettlekasten,


in progress

  • Carol Dweck’s work

  • routines and habits

  • Is gaining expertise a matter of identity and self-belief?

“I am the kind of person who finishes things and learns them really deep” vs “I am a person who kinda sorta learns about things and never follows throught”.

Community effect

in progress

Representing knowledge as mental model representations

A collection of heuristics to help you navigate things. A mental model is essentially a representation of knowledge which leads to a “knowing” or an “understanding” in a very qualitative way about an aspect of the universe.

The subjects might be anything, ranging from understanding a culture, speaking a language, mathematical concepts, financial markets and so on.