I think science is a bunch of concepts that humans agree on. We have unit concepts, i.e. ideas that are very fundamental (such as axioms), and we have compound concepts that build up from these unit concepts.

Anything in science or engineering, is a culmination of n number of concepts.

If something is too complicated to undersatnd, we are likely very unfamiliar with its consituent unit concepts. These unit concepts are often quite trivial, and its probably the vastness of them that gives rise to complexity.

We try to penetrate large concepts (and large engineering systems) until can.

I believe that science, math, and engineering are fundamentally human disciplines and working with them keeping in mind that humans are the creators and consumers of it is a fundamental concept.

We can not have ‘objective’ science or math as long as humans are the ones doing it. This is not to say that the physical nature or reality does not exist and that laws of universe are imagined. It is just that “science” is a way of interpreting nature in a very human way.