
  1. “Rather than just solving problems expressed in terms we already understand, the goal is to change the thoughts we can think.”

  2. Pursuing ideas that I am truly curious about, instead of pursuing ideas out of competetion, money, etc.

Research Goals

5th May 2024

For my scientific goals, my aim to develop a project such that a computer is able to ‘reason.’ This will be unlike LLMs where the reasoning is an illusion.

The ideas here involve:

  1. How do proof assistants reason about mathematical objects? Are proof assistants the solution to what I am looking for?
  2. What is reasoning?
  3. Aren’t computer programs already ‘reasoning’?
  4. What is human reasoning?
  5. How do we show that ‘reasoning’ has been done, and when has a resoning been completed?
  6. What objects should we reason about?